CNC update

Alright, time for another update linked to the CNC mill! I just finished the linear carriage for the X-direction. Still having some minor trouble getting a tight fit between the bearing-rollers and the rails, but I suspect this will be correctable later through adjustment. The whole thing needs to be carefully calibrated and aligned anyways before real milling action is anywhere near possible.

To be honest, I don’t think the alignment of the parts will keep up with vibration and forces for too long, which is why the most crucial parts will be remade with this mill while it works – that was the goal from the beginning.

The next step now is to connect the threaded rod to the carriage and to finish the drive system for the Y-direction, which will reside below the table and pull the whole portal sled through a rod that passed through the table. The table supports and Y-rails are still sitting in the workshop, waiting to be cleaned up.

Repairing a remote car key

I’ve had this lying in a drawer for some time, it stopped working from one moment to the other. Imagine unlocking your car, driving around some, and then being unable to lock it again. Good thing that mechanical locks are not totally uncommon. I still had one remote in spare though, and together with a bought new one the set was complete once again. To be precise, these are pretty old models (’94-’96) made by Volvo and cost some 40 Euros or thereabouts. I would guess that is pretty much the same for each car manufacturer, as are the inner workings.

All was well until another key broke down – same procedure, different day. Maybe static electricity was to blame, I don’t know. But it made me wonder if it could be fixed – so I cracked it open.

Volvo remote keyThis picture was taken after the repair, which explains the flux residues ;-). The circuit you are seeing can be identified using an EPCOS resonator AppNote linked at the bottom of this article. The resonator (marked in picture) is a S+M R701, manufactured by Siemens Matsushita Components, a joint venture that later brought forth EPCOS. While there are other manufacturers like RFM, these models seem to be a pretty common brand for such keys as far as I have seen. Inside the metallic-ceramic casing is a parallel LC resonance circuit which has been precisely trimmed for a specific resonant frequency. The current types are mostly pin compatible to the old ones.

Just in case: Those resonators cost you a few cents at Farnell, but I would guess Digikey also has them. Use the datasheets to get the correct one for your frequency and pin layout. They are a real pain in the ass to solder by hand! But, to be fair, they were not really designed for it. Use hot air or reflow techniques if you can, or else heat the ground plane from the side, OR remove the resonator by applying a small amount of solder to the case top and heat it up completely. Take care not to rip the copper traces off the pcb, as the glue keeping them there becomes flexible when overheated. To solder on the new one, place it onto the cleaned pads and flow solder underneath the pins from the side, for each pin individually. Do not heat the resonator for too long. I did it like this twice, but as said – pain!

A good place to start is the EPCOS R920 resonator.

As I found out later, the resonator was perfectly working. I swapped it anyways – even swapped the old one back once I found the error – to make sure, but the real culprit was the HF output transistor which I have marked in the lower left.

How it works, in easy words: The signal generated by the microcontroller is a digital pulse signal containing the remote code. This signal is fed into the resonator through a resistor and a capacitor, and from the resonator back through said capacitor to the base of the output transistor. The resistor limits the output impedance of the controller pin to prevent it from clamping the transistor base to a fixed voltage and allow the resonator to overlay an AC component onto the DC voltage. Now, as the resonator…well…resonates at its designed frequency, excited by the impulse coming through the capacitor when the controller pin turns ON, the resonance waveform is coupled into the base of the transistor, which in turn amplifies it and pushes it out onto the antenna. Imagine repeatedly hitting a tuning fork with a small hammer and touching it to stop the vibration in a certain pattern while picking up the generated sound with a microphone to amplify it.

What you get is a high frequency signal during each high-level time of the remote code signal and no signal during each low-level time. This is called OOK, or on-off-keying. It can be seen as an extreme example of amplitude modulation (AM), and the principle is identical to the way TV remotes work – only that RF is used instead of IR light. There is a lot more theory behind this, you can look it up in dedicated books about high frequency circuits and transmitter circuits. As for this circuit, have a look at page 6 of the AppNote linked below. It features a standard circuit that very closely resembles my remote key, plus a detailed function explanation.

Back to the repair – checking the original transistor with a standard multimeter showed proper diode behaviour (meaning it was a bijunction npn or pnp transistor), but this is not always sufficient for a diagnosis of a working device in HF circuits. The output to the antenna (the copper strip along the left edge) appeared near-zero and the pulse signal after the coupling resistor was pretty deformed, too. With some remote keys you can test the RF output by holding a radio scanner set to 433,92 MHz or whatever frequency the key uses next to it and listening for pulsing tones/noise upon a key press. If you don’t get any response, you are either unable to hear the specific modulation (uncommon, as the modulation is pretty slow to ensure good reception) or the transmitter is (still) be broken. In the end, you probably have to find out by trial and error. Owning a GHz scope greatly simplifies the task, of course. I don’t, so I’d advise you to first swap the transistor and then the resonator. R/C/L are pretty uncommon to fail, whereas the transistor is sensitive to static electricity like most semiconductors. What you can measure, though, is the pulse signal from the controller.

Now, to get a suitable replacement, you can either buy a transistor that works for frequencies up to above the operating frequency of your device and has the same pinout – or you can simply go look for a cheap remote controllable wall socket, wireless weather station or the likes. Whatever you choose should use the same frequency, of course, and run on batteries. The probability of finding a suitable transistor inside such a transmitting device is very high. This will be the one nearest the feeding point of the antenna, like in the picture above. You’ll need to confirm the pinout by looking into the circuit or searching for a datasheet by the SMD marking on the case – if present.

I had to try two different transistors, the first one was probably already dead before transplantation (I already wondered why I never used that remote control). A second one worked like a charm! I have noted the designation of the found replacement in the picture above. The last thing to try is the range, but there is not much to gain with only about 3V of operating voltage – ideally, you’ll get whatever range the key had before. If the range is much less, the transistor is most likely not up to the job.

Remember that most car keys “forget” their assigned codes upon battery removal. You will need to reassign the key to your vehicle according to the proper method designated by the manufacturer.


Amp measurements (updated)

Here go the measurements. I use RMAA 5.5 free to do these.

All measurements were taken off an 5R6 load resistor. The maximum output power reached at 1 kHz sine into 5.6 ohms was 2.49 Weff resp. 4.97 Wpk, which is right on the money. Soft-clipping occurs right above that. I am not yet satisfied with the rise above 20 kHz, which I suspect to originate from a missing bypass cap in parallel to the feedback resistor. The cap short-circuits the feedback resistor at high frequencies to prevent oscillation (which currently occurs at 30-50 kHz when the volume isn’t turned all the way to the max).

The 50 Hz spike, on the contrary, is lower than I expected as I didn’t bother placing the output transformers away from the power transformer or putting them at an angle to prevent the magnetic fields from interfering. Another of those times when function follows form. Shielding in the wiring compartment could be improved a bit, though. Dunno if I should really photograph this mess.

UPDATE: And here comes a screen of the schematic. No need to do it in EAGLE as there is no PCB, the whole amp is air-wired. Enjoy.

The usual word of warning: This circuit operates at voltage levels of >= 275 Vdc at relatively low supply impedance, so please be aware that you build this circuit at your own risk, and proceed with caution! I am not responsible for any damage/injury that might occur related to this circuit.

As I already mentioned, there are lots of parallels to the linked amps from the last post. A few annotations concerning the schematic:

  • C5 is still missing in my case, estimate by trial and error.
  • Some parts dissipate a noteable amount of power, as marked – choose for at least 2W of dissipation to be on the safe side. You might want to oversize a bit here, to minimize aging of the parts due to thermal stress.
  • The coupling caps C3,C4 should be designed to handle voltages > 300 Vdc at least.
  • R9 is the loudspeaker, of course ;-)

Another piece of advice I learned during testing: If the connected audio source device is somewhat valuable, it is wise to install a suppressor diode directly across the input in such a way that is shorts high potential at the input to ground. In case any high voltage potential gets through the capacitor in form of a spike (like it did through a damaged socket in my case), this will at least save your soundcard a lot of undue stress.

EL84/EC86 Tube amp

This is a project I started some 5 years ago. It is the first tube-amp I built (and the only one so far), but I made an error in the calculations back then which led to absolutely nasty sound. No lows, oscillation and unproportional hi-end. Need me to say why it was sitting on the shelf ever since?

Yesterday I redid the calculations, now that I think I have a better understanding of how tubes want to be treated – and this time around I was successful. The frequency plot needs yet to be done, but from listening I like it very much so far. The tubes are also no longer the original ones, it was originally equipped with two EL83 from TESLA and two EF860. The EF860 did an okay job as a preamp but was very microphonic – that is, picking up vibrations from the casing – whereas the EL83 simply can’t handle much anode dissipation power, about half that of the EL84. Output power was limited to just above 2 Wpk.

Some basic facts:

  • JJ EL 84 power pentode as output tube, single ended configuration
  • ORION EC 86 single-triode as preamp tube
  • 275V anode operating voltage
  • HSGM (german company) output transformers for EL84 SE
  • Total amplification preamp ~ 10-fold (optimized for consumer audio devices)
  • Global feedback including output transformers
  • Peak output power ~ 4 W
  • Beech wood & brushed aluminum casing
  • And the blue tape on the transformers is there to creep off anyone (me) thinking of accidentally sucking power off the transformer rails with his finger or other body parts while ogling it in the dark. This is not to become a permanent aesthetic feature, but there are no transformer caps available for this type. I will build something out of epoxide PCB, I guess.

I will put my schematic, the bode plot and exact part types up here in an extra post as soon as I get my scanner to work. Until then, I advise you to visit the following sources which helped me a lot and are always an inspiration for me. Dig through the news section, there are some GREAT projects.

  • Pentode SE amp using 5B/110M tubes (german reader’s project on Jogis Roehrenbude, my schematic has become very similar. Great explanation of the necessary calculations)

Seems like my biggest mistake in the past was not to account for the voltage drop over the output transformer, induced by the bias current. *facepalm* I totally forgot that.

See also: Second post, containing schematics & measurements…

Das Blog und der Server [DE]

Die Probleme zwischen diesem WordPress 3.1.3 hier und dem Telekomserver sind endlich gelöst!

Sieht so aus als war ich die ganze Zeit zu blind um zu bemerken, dass die Umstellung von PHP4 auf PHP5, die über eine .config-Datei möglich ist, für jeden Ordner getrennt passieren muss. Dasselbe gilt für jede Einstellung über eine php.ini – das gehört alles in den Hauptordner vom Blog, nicht das Wurzelverzeichnis vom Webspace. Und ich hab’ die ganze Zeit nicht bemerkt, dass im Hintergrund noch PHP4 werkelt.

Als Hinweis – bei mir traten folgende Symptome auf:

  • Uploads von Bildern laufen durch, danach steht aber beim Einbinden in einen Post oder eine Galerie nur die Größe “Full size (0 x 0)” zur Verfügung.
  • Schwierigkeiten bei verschiedenen Skripten und Plugins die PHP5 erwartet haben – logisch irgendwie. Speziell der Plugin-Updater schmiert ständig ab.
  • Sehr gehäufte Fehler wie

    PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5275922 bytes) in /home/www/wp-includes/media.php on line 254

    in der entsprechenden Logdatei. Außerdem Hinweise auf versuchte Speichervergrößerungen durch WordPress, die verhindert wurden.

  • GZIP wehrt sich vehement gegen alle Versuche, das Blog etwas zu schrumpfen. Abhilfe schafft da ein kleiner Trick (siehe unten), aber da PHP4 aussterben sollte ist der eigentlich irrelevant. Mit PHP5 funktioniert jedenfalls jedes beliebige WP-Plugin dafür.

Mann, komme ich mir grade doof vor ;-) An bestimmten Tagen sieht man den Wald vor Bäumen nicht, und am Tag danach versteht man auffallend gut woher das Sprichwort kommt. Immerhin kann ich jetzt endlich die restlichen Designänderungen umsetzen, ohne dass mir seltsame Fehler gleich wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen.

Dank geht hierbei speziell an faulthiel, der in seinem Blog eine ansehnliche Sammlung von Tipps und Tricks rund um WordPress bei der Telekom zusammengestellt hat.

Die Konfiguration vom Webspace verlangt am Ende zwar etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit als anderswo, aber ansonsten läuft das Blog wie geschmiert.

Weitere Links zu passenden Themen:

“Erhöhung php memory limit?” im Telekomforum

“PHP.ini & memory_limit” im Telekomforum

“Gzip without gzip” auf dieser Seite

Workbench #1

LED driver again

The first version of the LED switching driver just exhaled a portion of magic smoke. The IC is neither the culprit nor the victim, there must have been a short somewhere else. The sense resistor was fried and acted as a fuse, but it wasn’t fast enough to prevent the current blowing another transistor on the motherboard that switches power to the backlight. Funny, didn’t even know there was such a thing. Maybe that explains the weird current shortages at the LED driver input that caused some of the flickering. The LT chip seems to have survived just fine, again.

Whoops, forgot to mention: Yes, it has been running ever since the last post about the topic ;-) so far, so good.

Anyways, gotta do this one again. To counter the problems with flickering, the new driver will run from 5V of the HDD/USB supply, operating in pure boost mode. Stepping from 5V to 9.6V will never cause it to even get near the crossover point where it would need to switch from boost to buck mode, and there will never be a lack of control range.

To explain that part, remember that the LT3518 runs in fixed frequency mode and varies only the pulse/pause ratio of the switch that draws power through the inductor. Let’s also assume we are in buck (stepdown) mode and the output current (LED current) is the variable the IC is trying to regulate. As the output voltage of a step-down converter is proportional to the on-time of the switch, the switch needs to be open all the time when the input voltage drops to or below the needed output voltage (that is, the voltage required to drive the desired LED current). Now, the LT3518 has a limitation in its pulse-duration caused by the design of its internal circuits, which in this case results in a maximum on-time of about 92%. If the required on-time rises above that, the IC can no longer guarantee proper function and instead of opening the switch permanently the regulating circuit begins to glitch, which results in flickering, low LED current and whatever else. It is not a danger for the LEDs though, because whatever happens, a step-up converter can never reach a voltage higher than its input.

I admit that I was kind of slacking off to assume it would work alright somehow – well, it didn’t ;-) Lesson learned, that’s why I don’t mind this happening. Sometimes doing it wrong is the only guarantee you’ll do it right the next time. The next version of the driver circuit will come with full eagle layouts and stuff; so please don’t get too hooked to the old design. It is only usable if you can guarantee a, let’s say, 2V surplus over the typical output voltage at the input all the time.

The new design will probably be done and up here ’til Sunday this week, and there will be some extra stuff with the CNC (stepper driver ICs arrived, some work on the axis’)

CNC – Step 2

I remade the linear bearing sleds today, the previous ones were not precise enough – they were only the proof of concept anyway. The new ones glide on the rails as if they were not touching at all, VERY nice feeling if you lean on the bridge support with approx. 10 kg and slide it back and forth. No bumps, just smooooooooth metal! No clue how precise they are in terms of height differences and imprefections though, but there is a little potential to adjust if something should be too far off.

The portal looks very good so far! BUT….the cross-bar is skewed -.- Not by much, only one or two degrees around the length-axis, but it is enough for the right bearing sled to not sit on the rail properly. I can force it on, of course, but that is not the great idea here as the sleds should fit snugly on the rails without any force besides its own weight applied. In the beginning MDF was planned for this part, but I settled for beech wood instead. Best option here is to dump the current one, buy a precise MDF cut tomorrow and stuff the beech back into the scraps box for some future case build. After that, if the dimensions and angles of the portal as a whole are within tolerances, two more bearing sleds are needed to keep the portal on the rails while moving and when milling action occurs. Two more of the exact same type should suffice, but maybe some kind of spring-loaded mount would be better for long-term stability.

The side supports of the portal will be redone after the mill is completed. As will some other parts, probably. I will have access to a cnc mill then, so why not do the holes and cut-outs a little more precise ;-)

CNC – Step 1

Alright, so I finally decided what I want to do as kind of a long-term project in the coming time: A CNC mill which will get heavy use in the fabrication of PCBs, faceplates and enclosures. My case-building skills plain suck, so this nifty device will be helping me in the future. Also, this is my first real all-out mechanical build – meaning no straight way to the goal. In the end, it will probably have become a lot more expensive than I currently still hope for, but we’ll see about that ;-). (Account the extra expenses to learning and refilling the scrap parts box, distracts the wallet from groaning somewhere in a dark corner. Works most of the time.)

Sketchup of cnc mill
Sketchup of cnc mill

As I already wrote above, the main tasks for the machine will be PCB milling and drilling, machining wood, acrylic, plastics and aluminum. Maybe copper, and in the far future I want to take a shot at some steel sheeting, but all that is off the radar right now. I will try to aim for high precision and adequate stability. A portal mill seemed like a good idea at the time, especially because a moving table makes the machine just so much bigger while the workpiece must stay within relatively modest dimensions. I played with the thought for a while but then dropped it in favor of this design.

The whole thing will be controlled by linux-EMC or Mach3, maybe I can even fit a small EPIA-800 mainboard as a control computer in there if the drive mechanism allows enough leftover space. The controller will be custom made, mainly for education purposes on my side.

First, I did a draft in SketchUp to get a feel for the problems and dimensions, though it is already outdated by now. I will update it in the next days when I need exact measurements of the whole device again. Right now pen, paper and calipers are sufficient. The materials are almost all bought at the local hardware store, MDF sheets, V2A screws and aluminum parts in standard sizes. Fortunately they do have a decent free cutting service whose operators hit the measures on the tenth of a millimetre (or up until now, at least). Saves me some of the work.

Construction began with the machine table, which is a solid piece of 22mm thick MDF wood, 500 x 600 mm in dimension (long side along rails). The sheet will be reinforced with aluminum from below so it doesn’t bend or skew, but first the drive mechanics and electronics compartment below the table need to be done. Just as a side note, the milling area will be somewhere around 450 x 450 mm but that number is not final. I have noticed that some more changes to table and X-axis construction might be necessary and those will of course change the useable space on the table.

CNC machine table
Table construction

Machine table:

The table is carried by two 67 x 35 x 2.5 mm aluminum rectangular tubing. The tubing also supports the linear rails which are self-constructed and still need to prove their usefulness. The first rail is already installed (see pictures), the running sleds are in preparation (still need some standoffs) and the portal flanks are halfway done.

Linear rails
Linear rails

Linear bearings:

Made from 15.5 x 15.5 x 1.5 mm aluminum tubing with a slight groove in the exact center of each side, running along the length. The other part is a C-rail that fits exactly into this groove and supports the tubing nicely, giving it an exact 45° angle but believe me is a HELL to drill, even with a drill press. The carriage sleds of the portal consist of another 45°-rotated piece of the same tubing with ball bearings mounted to its sides in a way that they stand at 45° angles on the surfaces near the upper and lower edge of the rail. I have no picture of this part, will get some later today after I get around to reassembling the carriages.

The second rail is still in the making, will probably be finished today or tomorrow. I’ll try to get more pictures of the process but holding a camera while drilling seems not all that fun.

CNC stepping drive motors
Stepper motors

A small teaser:

The stepping motors I got for quite a bargain, pretty powerful with around 1.85Nm holding torque. These beauties weigh in at 1.4 kg per piece, measure about 100 x 56 x 56 mm,  sport a 6mm diameter shaft and survived the whole shipping torture without stuffing material or bubble wrap (YES seriously, who in his right mind ships 5 x 1.4 kg worth of steel and copper unwrapped in some otherwise empty cardboard box?!?) without even a slight dent in the shafts. The faceplate got a bit banged though, but nothing that can’t be polished up.

The drivers for these will be of my own making, probably AVR-controlled MOSFET fullbridge circuits. Half-stepping is planned, but I have not yet decided on microstepping. I guess that will be added if necessary for precision.

So long, stand by for more :-)

EDIT: Just noticed that this wordpress blog seems to distort my pictures if they open in the lightbox. Will see if I can fix that, must be something wrong with the script.

EDIT: Fixed, seems like some unwanted css found its way into the template.

Slow progress

Just a little heads-up for the time being: This is one of the things I am currently working on. I have some things with DFN-packaged parts in the making, this also belongs in that category. The IC is a Texas TLC5941 16-channel programmable LED pwm controller, and the whole thing will be an ambilight system that can be easily scaled by adding more of these stripes. Each stripe will contain 5 individually adressable RGB-LEDs, equal to 5 individual zones. The master signal will be delivered by the pc (no, unfortunately I have no plans in stock to decode VGA or DVI so far, as this system is inteded purely for pc-aided use) via serial comm and formatted by an Atmel ATMEGA to fit the daisy-chaining protocol of the TLC chips. This also means that additional boards can be connected without much hassle.

Ambilight preliminary pcb

Hopefully, I can produce the first PCBs myself. The biggest problem are the through-hole contacts, but I guess this can be done using 0,6mm contact rivets. Of course, I am in no mood to do this for all the 50-some boards that will be needed – I am not the only person interested. The angled pinhead connectors at both ends will be replaced by rows of soldering pads so that two pcbs can be soldered together without a gap. Alternatively, they can be connected by soldering flat cable or even single wires in between.

I already have all the necessary chips and a whole lot of LEDs for some prototype boards, but I need the reflow oven to work properly for this – the chips are DFN, as mentioned. I soldered one of them bottom up to some pinheaders using thin enameled wires: Avoid if you can, it’s NO fun at all! The chip survived the torture, surprisingly.

Hopefully I can make some progress on the oven tonight. I already equipped one of these things with a diy controller before for a friend, so the software is kind of done.